
Maybe its all those marine biology classes when I was growing up - or maybe just the hypnotic magic of the sea, and the rhythmn of the waves...but I love painting the ocean, difficult as it is. Just wish the waves would sit still so I can get their portrait! I tend to do a lot of fog paintings, thanks to our June Glooms, but occasionally the sun and my schedule come together...most of these are painted plein air.
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Coal Chute Point, Point Lobos

plein air


View from Weston Beach

plein air


Laguna Beach Morning

plein air


Below the Pergola, Laguna Beach

plein air

Broad Beach - Surf

plein air

Rocks at Leo Carillo    
Foggy Rocks, Leo Carillo Beach

plein air


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Gwen Meyer Pentecost, Artist

Landscape Paintings of the Southwest

All work is copyrighted by the artist. No permission to copy is implied.